Ecologist and Author Kicks Off Earth Day Week
Kick off Earth Day Week with a fascinating virtual talk with acclaimed ecologist and author Doug Tallamy.

Sullivan’s Island to Expand Scenic Nature Trail
A new trail in the maritime forest will be 3 times as long as the original trail, and will include matting to support wheelchairs. A big thanks to Town Officials for making this happen!

Appeal Filed to Overturn Ruling that Saved Maritime Forest
As you are aware, on January 30, 2023, in a blockbuster victory for the environment, a South Carolina Circuit Court invalidated the Settlement Agreement entered into by a previous Town Council that would have allowed the destruction of our unique Maritime Forest. But that is, unfortunately, not where our effort to save the maritime forest ends!

Town to Hire a Director of Resilience & Natural Resource Management
We’re excited to report that, for the first time, Sullivan’s Island has approved the hiring of a Director dedicated to managing the town’s natural resources across the island

Volunteer at the first annual Sullivan's Island Earth Day!

Town Council Moves to Save Maritime Forest
It was a historic move by the Sullivan's Island Town Council as they voted 5-1 to have an attorney file for a judicial review of the controversial mediation settlement that would allow for mass cutting of the maritime forest.

Who Chopped Down an Entire Section of the Maritime Forest?
Sullivan's Island Police are investigating the destruction of the Maritime Forest near Station 25. Can you help crack the case?

DHEC: Permits Needed for Mass Cutting of Maritime Forest
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) issued a letter to Sullivan’s Island stating permits would be needed for the controversial Settlement Agreement.

Legal Expert: Maritime Forest Settlement is "Invalid and Unenforceable"
A former federal judge hired by the Town of Sullivan's Island reviewed the controversial mediation settlement and found it to be "invalid and unenforceable."

Council Taking Action
SI Town Council is holding a Special Meeting to discuss the Maritime forest on Wednesday, September 29 at 5pm.
Sullivan’s Island For All
1985 Riviera Drive, Suite 103
Box 201
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
©Sullivans Island for All 2021